Saturday, June 20, 2009

Now you see it, now you don't

No big plans this weekend, just running errands and doing chores. K's parents arrive on Wednesday, and then his brother's family arrives next Saturday night, and we'll all be celebrating his parents' 50th wedding anniversary next Sunday!

Here's what EJ did today:



The hair, all 9 inches of it, is wrapped tight in a ponytail and will be sent off to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program, where they make wigs for those undergoing cancer treatment. She loves her new cut and hasn't shut up about it all day. We just told her we didn't want to hear another word about her hair today!!! She's been wanting to cut it for a few weeks, but we had to leave it long for dance season.
While running our errands this afternoon, EJ and I stopped and picked 4 quarts of strawberries, and they are delicious! I made strawberry shortcake for the girls for dessert, and Sophie loved it...well, the berries and whipped cream parts.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Piano Recital

Tonight was the last of our end-of-year important dates...the piano recital! Here's a pic of EJ with her teacher, Miss A.

And now that I figured out video...look out! She did a great job. There is some amazing talent at this show, both with the younger students and the more advanced.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Okay, I don't take enough video to really know how to do this well, but after minimal effort (thank goodness for the software wizard!), I've managed to get video of her four dances up here! We are allowed to take video at dress rehearsal, but there will be a professional filming at the show tomorrow and we'll get a DVD a bit later in the summer.

Hip Hop:



And tap:

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dance 2009

Tonight was dress rehearsal for EJ's dance recital. I took a good book, but never even cracked the cover...this stuff is too cute to not watch. The wee ones are just adorable and make everyone giggle. EJ's in four classes this year, so we were there quite a while, but everything ran on schedule and we were done on time.

Hip hop, dancing to "Don't You Evah"

Ballet, dancing to "Dream Land"
Dressed as a bride for jazz, dancing to "Love Will Keep Us Together"

And last, but not least, dressed as a dog catcher for tap, dancing to "Who Let the Dogs Out?" This one will be a real crowd pleaser, as half the girls as dressed as dogs and the other half are dog catchers. Very cute.

EJ and I had just arrived at rehearsal, and I noticed that I had a message from K. Daycare had called and said that poor little Sophie was sick! So, he went to pick her up. They hung out at home and did puzzles and watched videos. She seemed okay. He was reading to her when EJ and I got home, and she was sick a little more right before she fell asleep. It's been going around daycare this week, and rumor has it that it's all over in about 8 hours, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.