Today we went to the Deerfield Fair in Deerfield, NH. We were hoping to go yesterday, but the rain kept us away. Luckily, it stayed dry enough to go today for a few hours.
EJ did some spin art:
The girls with the prize-winning pumpkin, which weighed in at over 1000 pounds!
Sophie enjoyed her first corndog, and we had lots of other yummy food - funnel cake, chowder in a bread bowl, pierogies, maple cotton candy, and ice cream.
Sophie really liked the horses. And she moo'ed at all the cows. Quite loudly.
EJ's not really a fan. She likes looking at all of them, but is very cautious about where she steps after a near accident a few years ago!
These twin calves were born just an hour before we saw them. We were walking through one of the cattle barns and saw a huge crowd around this stall. They were so cute!