Monday, June 14, 2010

Family Day!

A few weeks ago, on May 28th, we celebrated Family Day - our 3rd anniversary of meeting little Long Li Lei, now Sophie LiLei. I've never posted the video before...mostly because I've never managed to find the time to create the movie of the moment. But alas, here it is...better late than never.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Catching up...

These last few weeks of school are always a killer with the schedule - too many things crammed into only a few weeks. Next week is the worst...Dance recital on Sunday, piano recital rehearsal on Monday, piano recital on Tuesday, dance practice for competition on Wednesday, an ice cream party at school that I'm helping with on Friday, and dance competition on Saturday. School gets on the following Monday, then EJ will have her braces put on later that week. Then, a weekend of camping, K's parents are visiting, 4th of July....WHEW!

Anyway, I am way behind on posting, so hopefully this will catch me up a bit. Two weeks ago, EJ had her band and chorus concerts on back-to-back nights. (back row, on right):

Playing the drums:

5th grade band:

With one of her best buddies, EB:

EJ celebrated her 11th birthday a few weeks ago. She and a few friends went to a local salon/spa to get all dolled up for the occasion with mini manicures, mini facials, and fancy hairdos. The girls had a blast and it was fun to watch them! Then, we all came back to the house for some cake and ice cream.
There was a wide array of crazy nail colors:

EB had her hair done in zig-zagged French braids:

EJ, ready for her facial:

Getting her nails painted a very deep purple with gold glitter on top:
Her fancy 'do:

K and Sophie missed all the excitement, as I made them go buy tix for the dance recital while we were at the salon, and then Sophie had a friend's birthday party that afternoon.