Whew. It's been very busy here. The last two weeks of school are just a killer of a schedule. Let's see...where shall I start?
Last Thursday, K and EJ flew to southeastern Georgia to attend K's niece's wedding. They had a great time, and EJ had so much fun partying that she closed the place down. She hung out with family cutie, R, who lives in FL, and they were responsible for passing out bubbles to the guests. Congrats and best wishes, D and M!
Sophie and I stayed home and I did my best to keep her distracted so she didn't miss Daddy and Sissy too much. We visited the New England Aquarium on Saturday morning and then did some veggie shopping at Haymarket. On the way home, we stopped at my cousin's son's 5th birthday party. Happy Birthday, PJ!
Sophie and I had a lot of fun bonding. Like she needed to bond any more with me...she is constantly attached to me right now. It's hard to even get dinner cooked some nights. She constantly asked about "E?" wondering where her sister was. The only time she really asked about Dah Dah was in the morning, since he's the one who gets her warm milk for her in the morning! She did string together three words this weekend when I was putting on her pajamas: "Got Shirt On". She's a smart one...talking up a storm.
K and EJ got up at 4 AM Monday morning to catch the flight home. They were home in time for EJ to get to school before lunch. After school, I took her to her rehearsal for the piano recital. On Tuesday, I took a vacation day and chaperoned a field trip to the Museum of Science in Boston. When we got home, it was time to eat and get ready for the recital.
EJ did a great job at the recital. She played A.M. and P.M. by Grieg and Chopin. You'd know it if you heard it. Sophie was behaving so well until Emma came out on stage. Then she decided to hold out her hand and say "Hand? Hand?" She wanted to hold EJ's hand. After EJ was done, Sophie threw up her arms and yelled "Yeah!" while clapping along. After that, she was a goofy girl and had to be promptly removed from the church so that everyone else could enjoy the remaining performances. Here's EJ with her teacher, Miss A:
Today, we had some visitors after school, Dr. and Mrs. B, very good friends of K's family. It was so nice to catch up with them and for them to meet Sophie. EJ's art show also closed today, so K had to go pick up all of her pieces.
Oh well, I'm off to bed. I was up late all weekend while K and EJ were gone. I got a lot done...cleaned some of the kitchen cabinets, the basement, my closet, etc. And I watched two Celtics games on Thursday and Sunday, and then just HAD to watch all of last night's game to see them win it all.
I was REALLY into NBA basketball about 10-15 years ago...watching several games each weekend. While I was slightly partial to the Bulls during the Jordan years, I also really liked the Orlando Magic since we lived nearby at the time. I loved Shaq in the early years, Penny Hardaway, and Brian Shaw. I also rooted against Charles Barkley (just didn't like his attitude), the Lakers, and the Knicks. I was SOOO happy to see Paul Pierce FINALLY be a part of a winning team, and for Kevin Garnett to get a championship. I also like Sam Cassells, although I didn't really care for him so much when he played on other teams (was it the Rockets? can't remember...).
When Sophie and I were in Boston on Saturday, we parked near the Garden and hiked a few blocks. The street vendors were all selling Celtics shirts. I heard one vendor say that he's never had more people demanding Celtics gear than Sox gear. And in Boston, that says something.
And if those darn Patriots would've won the Super Bowl, Beantown would have had three world championships in the past nine months. Sigh.
I work right around the corner from the Celtics practice facility. For the past few weeks, there have been signs up heading to the office, including a giant board that checked off each of the 16 wins required for the championship. It's been satisfying to see them slowly be added up there. Today, the list was complete. A fine ending to a season that saw them in first place the whole way.