It's been kind of a busy week around here. Last weekend, K decided to do Potty Training in a Day (following the book of a similar name). It went well, but not so great that we felt confident dropping her off at daycare on Monday with just big girl panties! So, we sent her off to school with "Special School Panties" (aka Pull-Ups), and she did pretty good - keeping the pull-ups dry each day. The teacher was even brave enough to have her just do the panties one afternoon and she did fine. Perhaps tomorrow will be the first day without pull-ups at school.
On Monday, EJ had First Communion class in prep for the big event, coming up in mid-May. This past week, they made their own communion wafers.
Thursday evening was the 4th Grade Multicultural Musical at EJ's school. It was fantastic! The kids work so hard for months studying their different countries, learning songs and dances, and making all the artwork for the backdrops. E's class represented Italy (she was a little bummed she didn't get to do China, but I reminded her that there are lots of interesting places in the world!). She was a dancer, played a song on the piano, and was the New Hampshire reporter for the video (part of her video production project). She did a great job!
I really like the giant Mona Lisa that her class created. Mr. T, their art teacher, divided the painting into a giant square grid, and each kid painted their reproduction of the original grid.
Sophie liked the backdrops for China - she even stood in front of the Great Wall in one of them!
Here's EJ's class in Italy. She's in the front way holding a blue scarf.
I bought the girls new spring coats - the beautiful one I bought EJ last year was practically up to her elbows she's grown so much! So, she has a nice new green plaid trench coat, and Sophie has this cute little number with matching hat:
Miss S, who works at daycare, was home this week for Spring Break, so we took advantage of her babysitting services and had a night out last night. It's restaurant week in Boston, but we couldn't decide where to go, so we thought we'd just go wander around. Then, my friend L at work mentioned that Movin' Out (theater show based on Billy Joel's music) was in town. On a whim, I went online Thursday night and bought great seats in the front row of the mezzanine. It was fantastic! I LOVE Billy Joel, and the music was very true to his recordings. This show is all dancing (choreographed by Twyla Tharp), very little spoken dialog, and non-stop music by a band that is elevated on a platform above the stage rather than hidden in the pit. The guy who played the piano was Matthew Friedman, and he was amazing. There was a great story about him in the Boston Herald on Friday, which mentioned that he actually played the piano at Billy Joel's wedding a few years ago! He even did justice to the Prelude of Angry Young Man, in which he was seriously channeling Billy Joel. During the curtain calls, he donned his shades and did New York State of Mind. And knowing how to win the hearts of the audience, he put on a Red Sox cap and changed the words to Boston Red Sox State of Mind! Only two more weeks until opening day. I am bumming...Billy Joel and Elton John will be in Boston this summer, but during our summer vacation in Nova Scotia. Argh. I haven't seen him in concert in years, but I'll have to wait a while longer. And I haven't broken the news to EJ yet, but the Jonas Brothers will be in Boston that week too!
We took the girls for Easter portraits yesterday, so I'll have those back in a week or so to show you.