Sunday, December 20, 2009

On the eighth day of Christmas...

...we went to the pageant/potluck/talent show at church! The girls didn't participate in the pageant this year, but still wanted to see it! Afterward, there was a terrific potluck dinner, and then the kids do a talent show. EJ played Carol of the Bells on the piano:

Sophie told me that she was going to sing, but I wasn't too sure. She did sing "on the big stage" (aka the altar) at church last Sunday morning with the Sunday School choir, but I didn't know if she'd do it by herself. We practiced with a toy microphone earlier in the day, so she knew exactly what to do. She sang "Santa Claus is coming to Town".

We didn't make it to church this morning because of the weather. We didn't wake up with much snow, but it was really coming down this morning and we ended up with about five inches. We decided to bake some sugar cookies:

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