Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Culture Shock
Elberta is near where my in-laws enjoy their retirement. We live in a small New England town of about 10,000 people and three stoplights and WE feel culture shock when driving through Elberta. I can't imagine how this guy feels, but it sounds like a wonderful program and I'm glad to see he's here for this important cultural exchange.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Been meaning to post these pics for a while
Building Blocks and a new tooth!
She is starting to talk like crazy. She'll say "eat" when she's hungry. "All Duhhhh..." when she's done. One day this week, she carried one of EJ's shoes over to me and said "shoe". Very exciting! About 10 days ago, she was very sick and missed school for several days, and boy are we glad to have her smiling face and giggles back!
You might be able to see her new top tooth if you look close enough in the photo above. Just don't stick your finger in her mouth to see it - she's a chomper!
Today, Miss Sophie was WIDE AWAKE at 5:30 AM. There was no turning back. K and I would have liked another hour of sleep. K, by the way, looks like a chipmunk today - he had a little oral surgery on Thursday to clean up a root canal from about 9 months ago. So, given the early start, we decided to get up and clean! Nothing like having your floors mopped by 7 AM, the first load of laundry in, and all the groceries bought before 9. All that's left to do is put the laundry away and vac the floor, which I can't do right now since Sophie has been napping since 10 AM! That's cheating!
Anyway, tonight we are going out to dinner with a gang of friends and leaving the girls with the fabulous Miss J, a teacher from daycare. It will be nice to get out...we haven't had a night out since we returned from China, which is pretty sad. We thought for sure we'd take advantage of built-in babysitters while K's parents were here over the holidays, but time just flew by!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Yummy Chinese Food!

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Cooking class
I've wanted to learn to make dumplings for a long time - since we returned from China, I haven't been able to get enough of them! I'm happy to report that they aren't nearly as difficult as I expected them to be, so I'm looking forward to making a batch. But first, I'm going to have to find a local Asian market or a make a trip to Chinatown for some supplies.
We will be seeing most of our travelmates in about a month at the annual Chinese New Years party for families who have adopted through our agency. It is a completely insane party at a huge banquet hall. We didn't go last year, but the year before there were almost 1800 people there! Chinese food, a silent auction for the agency's charitable fund, and fantastic entertainment. We can't wait to go this year!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Thanks for visiting, Grandma and Grandpap!
Sophie enjoyed Grandpap's mustache. She leaned in to give him a smooch, but when I snapped the picture, she abandoned him in favor of playing with the camera. I showed her Pap Pap on the little digital screen, and then she kept leaning in to kiss him there! Very cute.
Luckily, Sophie warmed up to Grandma and Grandpap pretty quickly - within hours - and that was a big help. This week, Sophie started school at a new daycare...the same place where EJ went from age 3 on, and where EJ still goes in the summer and after school two days a week. It's nice to have them both in the same location. The first two days have gone very well!
Hooray...they're gone!
In the end, the only candidate we saw was Rudy. Mitt Romney paid a visit to the same local coffee shop over the weekend, but we were busy on Saturday. And EJ and I were hoping to see Senator Obama at the local high school on Sunday, but I came down with a horrible cold by Sunday morning, so we skipped.