I know it was warmer here today (near 50!), but gosh, I'm ready for Spring this year. I don't mind snow for Christmas, and January is still so busy cleaning up after the holidays, but honestly, February and March really get to me. Blah.
We had a whole lotta nothin' planned for this weekend. Errands and groceries and laundry yesterday. Church and maybe a passport photo for Sophie today (we're hoping to visit Canada this summer!). K and I have some "rearranging" to do in the attic, both the storage side and the finished side. The finished side is what I call my Everything Else room - K's work desk, the filing cabinet, the treadmill, the sewing machine, etc. Well, I need to fit a few more things into my Everything Else room, so some things are just gonna have to go or find a new home themselves. I've already warned K that in a few weeks, we're tackling the basement. I don't care if we only clean out about 4 linear feet of stuff at a time, but it's time to purge some of that clutter. I'd love to get it organized enough to finish it a bit - cover the insulation on the walls, and build in some lockers at the foot of the stairs for snowpants and boots, etc.
And the other thing To Do in February is to tackle the taxes. I say "tackle", but I really mean "organize", as I learned about a decade ago that it's really not worth my aggravation to try to do them when I can pay a professional. Of course, I have a nice spreadsheet that I hand over with all the paperwork neatly categorized, so he always jokes that I do half the work for him anyway.
A few more signs of Spring...it's already time to send in the paperwork for EJ to go to camp this summer. And, we're doing the CSA (community-supported agriculture) thing this summer, so we sent in our check to participate in a farm share this summer! Basically, you prepay a sum of money to support a local farm, and each week for 18 weeks, you stop by one afternoon and pick up a box full of veggies, as your portion of the harvest. We also bought a fruit share to try out at the same farm - it's 12 weeks. We're really looking forward to it!