Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pretty in Pigtails

Sophie seems to be back to her adorable self. She was out of school all week, which made for a tough week for us. She was discharged from the hospital a week ago and had a follow-up at the doctor's on Monday morning. The doctor was still not happy with the way her lungs sounded, and her oxygen level, while better, still wasn't where it needed to be. Oh, and her ear infection didn't appear to be any better.

We increased the nebulizer use to include a treatment at night as well. And she got a new antibiotic for the which had the lovely side effect of, um, "messy" diapers? So messy that we went through four outfits on Tuesday. Nice.

Thursday was really the turning point for her, and by the time we went back to the doctor on Friday morning, she was SO much better. The doctor was so happy and excited at how good her lungs sounded, and her oxygen level was just a bit shy of where it should be. YEAH!!! She can go back to school on Monday (and I can go back to working in the office!).

Today, we celebrated by taking her for her passport photo and running a few other errands. One of those errands included a stop at the local hardware store to look at new countertops and maybe a new cabinet for our bathroom. Of course, I was also drawn into the beautiful kitchen cabinet displays, which made me start dreaming about what my kitchen might look night with Shaker style cabinets and something other than almond formica. Perhaps a quick ballpark estimate is in order so I can build this little facelift into my savings plan for the year! We also went out to dinner tonight, since I'm suffering from a bit of cabin fever. Oh, I also enjoyed a much-needed night out with the neighborhood ladies last night...this was a rescheduled night from the Christmas season that was cancelled by the ice storm, and it couldn't have come at a better time after the last ten days!

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