Sunday, July 1, 2007

Pretty in Pink

No, this blog entry isn't about EJ or Sophie's preferred wardrobe choice. It's about my eyes. I've been avoiding my blogging duties this week, as I've been sick with a miserable cold. It started Tuesday with swollen glands that really hurt when I swallowed and escalated to the point where, by Thursday, I was carrying around a box of tissues to all of my meetings at work. I was out sick on Friday.

But yesterday morning, other than the constant nose-blowing, I felt much better. So much so that we decided to take Sophie swimming at the local YMCA. We thought she might like it, as she just loves to splash in her little bathtub, and we were right. The girl never stopped laughing, splashing, and kicking the whole time!

She took a really good nap after that, and so did I.

Then, after dinner we were off to the local town green for the annual Independence Day party and, games, music. Lots of fun. We dressed Sophie up in lots of red, white, and blue, since she is probably one of our town's newest citizens.

K and EJ stayed for the fireworks while Sophie and I made our way home to try to get to bed at a decent time. She has learned a new trick with her bottle...she fills her mouth with formula, but doesn't swallow - choosing to let it ooze at the corners of her mouth instead. Not a good trick. So, I took the bottle away from her after only 2 ounces. She made it until 5:30 this morning before she wanted another one. And she did go back to sleep until 8:30 this morning.

Before bed last night, K said that my left eye looked red. All week, my eyes have been very dry and scratchy by evening. Well, the few times I woke up last night, I had to pry them open. Both are pink this morning. Guess I'll be calling the optometrist this morning to see if he can prescribe something based on my symptoms or if he'll need to see me tomorrow before he can do that. I have lots of eye infections in the past and this one feels the same. Yikes. Other than the pink and watery eyes though, I still okay...just blowing my nose a lot.

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