Friday, March 23, 2007

Community Day at school

All the 2nd graders at EJ's school celebrated Community Day today. Over the last two months, they have learned a lot about the history of our town. Today, the summed it all up by having a parade around the school (complete with a firetruck and police car), showing off their dancing and singing talent, and then taking us back to their classrooms to show off their projects. We got to see brochures they designed and lots of artwork, including sculpture, drawings of their neighborhoods, and even computer graphics of some of the landmarks in town. It was a really nice presentation.

For chorus they did a rendition of "This Land is Your Land" with the words "This town is our community":

Next up was a circle dance:

Doing her Vanna White impression to show off her sculptures (the one on the left is our house, and the one on the right is her):

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