But this one is my favorite. She was very shy and quiet and serious when the session started. The photographer snapped this one before she warmed up a bit and I think it captures her perfectly.
Follow the adventures of the two gems in our family, EJ and Sophie.
But this one is my favorite. She was very shy and quiet and serious when the session started. The photographer snapped this one before she warmed up a bit and I think it captures her perfectly.
We sent Sophie to daycare with 21 cupcakes on Wednesday and about 7 or 8 came back home. Note that there are only two left. Let's just say it is not safe to leave the cupcakes home with a sick mommy.
No big plans this weekend. A few chores to do--weeding the front gardens if the weather cooperates and maybe planting some mums. Perhaps a little fall decorating? And Sophie's 2 year old birthday portrait on Sunday.
Next weekend, Grandma and Grandpap H arrive from beautiful coastal Alabama for a 10 day visit! I don't think they intended it this way, but perhaps they're escaping hurricane season for a little while.
EJ got me the coolest set of wooden blocks. I LOVE to build things, so we'll have lots of fun with this. I've already knocked over one of her masterpieces...
AND I got lots of books. I LOVE books too! I got some Dr. Seuss, some Eric Carle, and even a bear hunt one that I rave about at school!
It was a great day. Sissy called my big cousin H, who also has a birthday today (how cool is that?)! I wish I coulda talked to her, but I was rushed off for my tubby...I needed it!
EJ already has two Vermont Teddy Bears that were gifts when she was born, so she selected a VTB Friend For Life Bear (kinda like a Build-a-Bear). She named it Dark Chocolate, since that's what color it is.
Sophie and EJ both enjoyed climbing around in the stuffed bear pillows in the gift shop:
Next, we stopped at the South Burlington farmer's market for a snack (cookies and apples and peaches), and then we went to downtown Burlington for some pizza for lunch. We hit up that farmer's market too...they're both wonderful. If I lived near such wonderful farmer's markets, my grocery budget would be through the roof!
After lunch, we went to the ECHO Aquarium on the waterfront in Burlington. It was a great science-type museum that both girls really enjoyed:
Then we went for a little stroll on Lake Champlain:
We changed hotels on Saturday (more in a minute), so we checked in and then went for some Chinese food for dinner.
On Sunday morning, we went out to an awesome brunch where we had strawberry whipped cream belgian waffles and cinnamon raisin French toast. It was at a place called the Pour House, basically a biker bar that figured out how to draw in a crowd on Sunday mornings. I highly recommend it!
Then we were off to Shelburne Farms, by far our favorite tour of the weekend. If you have kids, DON'T MISS THIS! We had planned on doing the Shelburne Museum but thought it was a bit mature to keep the girls' interests for long. We're so glad we did, as this is an awesome 1500 acre farm with great educational programs, and reasonably priced...$16 for the four of us. Here are the girls on the tractor ride that gets you out to the barn:
EJ got to milk a cow. Sophie wanted nothing to do with it!
But Sophie did enjoy looking at the goats with EJ:
EJ even played that ever-popular game...Name That Poop! You had to guess which animal made the "patty".
Our little farmers:
We had to peel Sophie off the tractor crying so another little boy could have his turn! Then, she found some equipment that was more her size:
Here's Sophie with the three little pigs. There were seven piglets there that were born in July.
She also liked this little tractor. We had lunch at the snack shack there and spread out a picnic blanket while Sophie ran laps around us:
Here, they brought out their younger brother Frankie (almost 8) and their dad (top left) who plays in their band:
We had a great time. Demi Lavato (also from Camp Rock) was the opening act, but all my pics of her came out blurry. She did a meet-and-greet after the show, but we figured the line would be too long, and we were tired and cold. And my head was ringing, not so much from the loud music, but from the screaming girls!
So, about the hotels. K and I haven't been to Burlington in about 12 years. We had been talking for months about maybe going up over Columbus weekend, but then decided to take Friday off of Labor Day and do four days. We were inspired to go sooner by an episode of Chronicle, a local interest show here in Boston. They featured a hotel called the GGT Tibet Inn and we wanted to stay there, but they didn't have an opening for Friday night.
The man who owns GGT Tibet Inn was one of 1000 Tibetans offered a special visa to come to the US in 1993. He started working in the Vermont Teddy Bear factory as his sponsored job and then worked several jobs to become the first of the 1000 immigrants to buy a house just a few years later. Four years ago, he bought a Rodeway Inn and decided he didn't want to continue with the franchise and wanted to go on his own. He is still a Tibetan activist and he has earned tremendous respect in the community. AND, the best part for a bargain shopper like me? The rates at the hotel were very reasonable - only $59 for one of the nights. When you just need a quiet and clean place to crash at night, this is a GREAT deal!