Monday, December 31, 2007
She Who Would Not Nap
A trip to The Nutcracker
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!
At 12:30, she heard Santa and came down to our room to say she couldn't go back to sleep. We encouraged her to try a little harder and sent her back upstairs. About 20 minutes later, she returned. We kindly (or as kind as you can be at nearly 1 AM) explained that there was NO WAY we were getting up for at least another 5 hours, so we didn't care if she laid awake up there until then. When she returned for the third time at 1:20, she asked if she could sleep with us and in order to allow me to get some sleep, I obliged. What a mistake. We have a king-sized bed, but I still woke up with a stiff neck and shoulder, as she was in my way all night!
Anyway, she finally awoke around 6:35 and we found that grandma and grandpap were already downstairs waiting for us, as she had told them she would be up at 6. I think we unwrapped the final gift around 9:30! Here's the loot:
The first gift EJ opened was a K'Nex carousel. She spent a lot of time admiring the ferris wheel one at the toy store a few weeks ago, so Santa knew she would love this.
It took Sophie a while to warm up to the concept of opening presents, despite the fact that she shreds every tissue within a 20 foot radius of her. But once she figured out there were toys inside those packages, it was pure glee. Here she is literally sitting in one of the gifts while shaking her new maracas:
As soon as it was out of the box (which was not quickly with all the little clips and ties), she knew exactly what to do with the baby's bottle:
Grandma and Grandpap H got EJ a new jewelry box to help organize her earring collection:
The last thing EJ discovered was a new iPod in the bottom of her stocking:
She also got this really cool RoboPet...this thing has amazing movement! Sophie likes to chase it around.
Sophie really enjoys this new gear toy from Uncle T, Aunt P, and cousin H. I helped her put all the gears on, and then she pressed a button which makes them all spin and move! I didn't know it was going to do this, so I'd put my hand up to my mouth in a fake gasp and smiled, and now Sophie does the same each time they start to spin. She is really imitating a lot of things and sounds this week!
Santa left a package for EJ, Grandma H, and I. It had new Nutcracker sweaters for EJ and I, as well as three tickets in the 7th row for Saturday's matinee performance in the big city!
EJ got this really cute and very lifelike puppy from Mamaw and Pap-Pap S. It uses a battery and "breathes" so it looks very real. She named it Patch, in memory of Mamaw's previous dog (now in doggy heaven), as it looks just like the real Patch:
We hope that your holiday was as happy and exciting as ours. Having little Sophie here was the best gift we could have asked for and we're grateful that she's finally here to celebrate with us after waiting through two previous Christmases.
Monday, December 24, 2007
On the twelfth day of Christmas...
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
On the eleventh day of Christmas...
After the pageant, there was a fabulous potluck dinner and a talent show, where EJ played The Little Drummer Boy.
Earlier today, we took EJ to see Rudy Giuliani at a local campaign stop. You might remember from this post that she is fascinated with the presidential campaign right now. I'm hoping we get to see a few other candidates in the next two weeks.
Anyway, as we were waiting for Mr. Giuliani to arrive, a photographer from the local paper saw EJ wearing her "Future President" T-shirt that I got her in D.C. in October. She said she would try to get a picture of her with him. As his car approached, EJ followed the photographer to the appropriate spot, but the crowd was thick and after Mr. Giuliani greeted the host of the event, he was ushered through the tight crowd pretty quickly. EJ did, however, cut around up to the doorway of the event (we couldn't get inside - it was PACKED), and she did get to shake his hand as he went in (last photo, Mr. Giuliani is obscured by the guy in tan, EJ is in the red jacket):
Saturday, December 22, 2007
On the tenth day of Christmas...
After the baptism, we stopped by my cousin C's house. She and her husband F and son P just welcomed a new baby sister in the house a few days ago! Gosh, you forget just how tiny a newborn is...
Here's big brother P opening his Christmas gift from us...some snowshoes and a game.
On the ninth day of Christmas...
Sophie had a party today too, and from what I hear, she practically jumped into Santa's lap when it was her turn. He gave her a gift, and she didn't want to leave him so the next kid could jump on!
And then tonight was the annual neighborhood ladies cookie swap, pokeno game with yankee swap, wine "tasting", and general fun. That's why this post is a bit late.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
On the eighth day of Christmas...
On the seventh (and eighth) days of Christmas...
K's parents made it in yesterday and are experiencing this cold and snow for the first time in many years. EJ has decided that she would sleep in the attic guest room this time and they could have her room. That way, she's closer to the rooftop for Christmas Eve and she'll be able to hear the reindeer.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
On the sixth day of Christmas...
Monday, December 17, 2007
On the fifth day of Christmas...

Sunday, December 16, 2007
On the fourth day of Christmas...

Saturday, December 15, 2007
On the third day of Christmas...
We're expecting another big storm to come in tonight. It supposed to be "light snow" after midnight, followed by a burst of snow beginning at 6 AM, and then changing to sleet at noon and rain by 2. Hmmm. And the pageant is supposed to begin at 4. I hope the weather isn't so bad that it is cancelled, but we are currently in the 4-8 inch band of snowfall predictions. Grandma and Grandpap H are flying in from Alabama on Wednesday. They're going to be a tad chilly here - they usually visit in the summer! They reported the other day that they had their air conditioning on!
Anyway, here's today's holiday photo! It's Saturday Night Movie Night at our house. Eloise's Christmas at the Plaza is our flick tonight. I think we'll stop it at 8 to watch the Boston Pops holiday show...

Friday, December 14, 2007
On the second day of Christmas...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
On the first day of Christmas...

Monday, December 10, 2007
My Good Fortune
While we were waiting (and waiting and waiting) for this adoption to happen, we got in the habit of saving all of the fortunes in our fortune cookies when we went out for Chinese food. I found a little pile of them tonight while cleaning up some clutter. They're very prophetic:
- "The current year will bring you much happiness"
- "Good news will come to you from far away"
- "You will win success in whatever calling you adopt" (Hey, it at least had the word "adopt" in it!)
- "A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains" (Ah yes, we had a LOT of patience during that wait!)
- "The year ahead promises to find you in many interesting positions"
In a few days, I'll start a 12 days of Christmas posts...a different Christmas photo for you each day. We took a ton of shots at the studio this year and I couldn't resist buying most of them. I'll try to post one each's a bit hectic around here with the holidays and all. I've been baking a lot over the weekend and trying to finish up the last-minute shopping. The next two weeks are filled more baking, LOTS of wrapping (and a little bit of packing and shipping), and some parties. Tomorrow, I'm taking my dept to lunch. Saturday is a tree-decorating party at some friends' house. This weekend is the church pageant/potluck/talent show. EJ is the angel Gabriel, and she'll also be playing the piano in the talent show.
Next week, Sophie has her 15 month appointment and I have to have a filling drilled and replaced at the dentist There's a neighborhood cookie swap and two school parties. And oh yeah, Grandma and Grandpap H are coming (in just 9 days...EJ keeps reminding us...I think she's just a tad excited!). AND as if that weren't enough, Sophie will be baptized on Saturday the 22nd. Whew! I'd better go catch some some sleep.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
It's the Hap-Happiest Time of the Year...
My shopping is nearly done. And for the stuff that isn't done, I at least know what I have to buy, so that makes it easier. Today, K went to start his shopping with little Miss Sophie while EJ and I went to church for pageant practice. This year, she is Gabriel, the lead angel! On our way, we did some shopping for the church's giving tree. You pick gift tags from a tree that tell you what to buy for a child. This year, we had to get a watch for a 12 year old girl, a pull toy for an 18 month old, a Barbie and some clothes for a 6 year old, and a baseball and bat for a 12 year old. While EJ was at rehearsal, I wrapped the gifts and put them under the tree at church. Cross that one off my list!!!
Then, after lunch, K and EJ went outside to put some lights on the shrubs and the lampposts. EJ wanted to use the "retro" lights this year - think big bulbs in orange and red, green, blue, and white. Then, we whipped up some cookies. Peanut blossoms. You know, the ones with the Hershey kisses in the middle.
And how did Miss Sophie help with all the tasks today? She opted not to take a nap. After being up since 5:30 AM. Yes, 15 hours with nothing more than a catnap in the car on the way home from shopping. Here's hoping she sleeps until at least 7 tomorrow.
Tomorrow, there will be more baking, printing mailing labels for the cards, and decorating. The tree is up, the outside decorations are done, but we still need to finish the inside and set up our little Christmas village. Oh yeah, the town Santa parade is tomorrow afternoon, so we hope to make will depend on how cold it is and Sophie's naptime before she and I decide if we'll go.
And then tomorrow evening, we'll see whether the Pats can extend their perfect season for another week. After the last two weeks, I'm thinking they're a bit vulnerable right now and if anyone is going to beat them, it will be the Steelers. The best offense vs. the best defense. Should be a good game. I'm sick of all the media hype about a perfect season already. There's still a month to go, and it seems like everyone's boasting way too much.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Seeing stars
Sophie's big accomplishment this week is starting to eat regularly with utensils. She is pretty good with a fork - you should have seen her with the pancakes at the Santa breakfast! But they were nice and soft to stab, and let me tell you...the girl can stab! If she gets frustrated that she can't stab something, she picks it up and sticks it on the fork and then gets it to her mouth.
Spoons are another to keep the food on the spoon? Well, yogurt is a great way to learn. Just dip that spoon and lick it. Of course, she may have yogurt in her armpits when she's done, but most of it makes it into her mouth.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Breakfast with Santa
Sophie, almost 15 months, thought it was no big deal..."Yeah, a big jolly man in her red fuzzy suit. All I gotta do is sit on his lap and he brings me toys? What a deal! Sure, I'll sit on his lap. You want me to smile for the camera? No problem. And just for good measure, so he doesn't forget me, I'll wave goodbye to him and blow a few kisses. Surely, he'll bring me SOMETHING good!" She was a real charmer. Just look at this picture!
Big sister EJ had fun running around with her school pals and making crafts. Here she is making the ever-popular glittered pine cone ornament: