Monday, December 10, 2007

My Good Fortune

Today, Sophie is 15 months old! She can walk a few steps (as long as we're waiting at the destination with open arms) and say a few words. Well, to us they're words. I'm not if anyone else knows what she's saying. "Mmmmm-AH" (Emma), "Mmmmm-OH" (Elmo), "Pah Pah" (Puppy), "Ba-Ba" (Bottle). Of course, she says "Mommy" and "Daddy" unmistakably clear!!!

While we were waiting (and waiting and waiting) for this adoption to happen, we got in the habit of saving all of the fortunes in our fortune cookies when we went out for Chinese food. I found a little pile of them tonight while cleaning up some clutter. They're very prophetic:
  • "The current year will bring you much happiness"
  • "Good news will come to you from far away"
  • "You will win success in whatever calling you adopt" (Hey, it at least had the word "adopt" in it!)
  • "A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains" (Ah yes, we had a LOT of patience during that wait!)
  • "The year ahead promises to find you in many interesting positions"

In a few days, I'll start a 12 days of Christmas posts...a different Christmas photo for you each day. We took a ton of shots at the studio this year and I couldn't resist buying most of them. I'll try to post one each's a bit hectic around here with the holidays and all. I've been baking a lot over the weekend and trying to finish up the last-minute shopping. The next two weeks are filled more baking, LOTS of wrapping (and a little bit of packing and shipping), and some parties. Tomorrow, I'm taking my dept to lunch. Saturday is a tree-decorating party at some friends' house. This weekend is the church pageant/potluck/talent show. EJ is the angel Gabriel, and she'll also be playing the piano in the talent show.

Next week, Sophie has her 15 month appointment and I have to have a filling drilled and replaced at the dentist There's a neighborhood cookie swap and two school parties. And oh yeah, Grandma and Grandpap H are coming (in just 9 days...EJ keeps reminding us...I think she's just a tad excited!). AND as if that weren't enough, Sophie will be baptized on Saturday the 22nd. Whew! I'd better go catch some some sleep.


Shana said...

Ohhh, just LOOK at your Sophie! She is GORGEOUS!!! BOTH of your girls are gorgeous!! What a beautiful, happy, smiley pair of sisters!

Looking forward to those Christmas photos!

Hugs, Shana :)

Gail said...

Whew!! I know I'm tired!!
Looking forward to seeing those photos.

By the way...the tree topper??
Sorry it took so long to respond, I am getting old and forgetful!