Saturday, October 4, 2008

Weaning the wee one

Oh, Sophie was lovin' that evening bottle. She was able to get rid of all of her other bottles so easily. Even the morning bottle was easy to give up - just a few days and we were DONE with that thing. But we have been so negligent in getting rid of that evening bottle. I know it. It's all us. We cave in. We're weak. Actually, we're tired and weak and she's tired and ready for bed and moaning for her "Bah Bah",and it's just so much easier to calm her down, even if it isn't the right thing to do.

Well, Wednesday night after dinner, Sophie was having so much fun playing with Daddy that she completely forgot about it. She even brought me her empty milk cup and asked for more milk. I filled it up quickly, hoping that a full belly meant she would forget about the dreaded Bah Bah. It worked!

The next night, I was on the phone with my grandmother and she had a small meltdown, and I waited too long to placate it, so she started wailing for the Bah Bah. I gave in. See? I'm a sucker.

But the last two nights, we've been able to get her to bed without it. She hasn't even asked about it. Well, tonight, she did ask but I was quickly able to distract her until she forgot about it. You don't know how happy I will be to get rid of those darn bottles. You don't know how many times I've been standing in the infant department at Walmart buying those plastic bottle liners insisting that this would be the last box I would purchase.

Now, I'm gonna start counting down to the last case of diapers. I'll be a rich woman after that!

Now that Sophie is two, we've also eliminated the need to buy whole milk each week - she's drinking 1% with the rest of us. Yeah! More room in the fridge! And she's now allowed to eat more foods, including shellfish and nuts. Last night, I made kung pao shrimp and veggie lo mein for dinner. I put just a few teeny bites of shrimp in her lo mein and it didn't appear to bother her.

The peanut butter, however, was another story. EJ was eating an apple with peanut butter for lunch today and Sophie wanted some. I took the teeniest little bit on a knife and spread it on a cracker. She ate about 3/4 of it and then moved back to her lo mein, but was sticking her fingers in her mouth and started coughing a little. We're not sure if it really bothered her or was just stuck to the roof of her mouth, but honestly, there was just a little thin film of it on the cracker. She was fine about 5 minutes later, but it was starting to scare us a little, as she can't really tell you what she's feeling yet. I think we'll try another little bit tomorrow to see if she has the same reaction. By the way, she has had a similar reaction to fresh pineapple - it's kind of like the acid bothers her tongue or something...she reaches in and grabs at her tongue and obviously isn't happy about it.

Today was a busy day - I took EJ for her hip hop dance shoes and then to another store to get a nice pair of black knee-high dress boots (which she also plans to wear as part of her Halloween costume - Hannah Montana!). Then, this afternoon, she went to her good friend's house for her birthday party - they went to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua and then had pizza for dinner. She had a great time. We took advantage of the few hours she was there to take Sophie out to dinner and to try to do a little early holiday shopping (completely unsuccessful, by the way).


Donna said...

Throw the bottles away - then you can't give in to the fussing!

Anonymous said...

I will not miss the diapers, and loved the bottles being gone! Glad they came and glad they went :)!