Thursday, February 1, 2007

Cutoff for this month's matches is 10/13/05

Yikes...we're cutting it close for the next round of matches. Today, the January matches hit all the agencies around the world, and the cutoff date appears to be 10/13/05. We haven't received an email from our agency yet, so they may not have been able to reach everyone. Hopefully, we'll get that confirmation tomorrow. It's also possible that our agency didn't receive the matches today, as sometimes they take an extra day to get to some places.

Anyway, there are now only 13 days of applications between us and the newest member of our family. Based on the number of applications that were logged in during these 13 days (not official numbers, from online polls only), I don't believe we'll be in the next match. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised, but I'm really not counting on it...the numbers just add up to too many matches.

We'll see...keep your fingers crossed! The upside of missing the next round is that we'd pretty much be guaranteed a match in the following round. I just REALLY hope to be back home by mid-June for all of EJ's end-of-school-year activities...

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