Saturday, May 10, 2008

Still sick...

...poor baby. Sophie had a fever of 101 yesterday morning so we kept her home from school. Other than the fever, though, you'd never know she's sick. She's still smiling and playing, maybe not with the usual gusto, but close. She was still warm this morning, and coughed (or barked?) when she first woke up, but is still being a little trooper. She hasn't eaten too much, but is getting enough fluids so we'll just keep cuddling her up!

EJ and I enjoyed our night at the ballet. We had a quick dinner and then went to the pre-performance lecture, given by the musical director for the ballet. He gave us a lot of history on the ballet and snuck in that we would be seeing the version with the happy ending. Yeah! We're both exhausted today, as we didn't make it home until midnight.

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