Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend Update

Hi was a busy weekend here. EJ ran from ballet class straight to the Spring Party at her school on Friday evening (think DJ, snacks, magician, crafts, and a bouncy house in an enclosed gym with a few hundred screaming kids). Once I got home and took my Tylenol, I was fine.

Saturday morning started out by carousing around at a neighboring town's town-wide yard sale. I only made one purchase all morning, but it was a big one. I bought a library card catalog. That's right...60 little drawers just waiting to be filled with treasures. Well, maybe not treasures, but definitely office supplies, scrapbooking supplies, etc. Not sure where it's going to go yet. It comes in several pieces, so I might make two tables out of them. If all the pieces were stacked on top of each other without the legs, it would be about five feet tall. This one does not have wooden drawers, just wooden fronts with plastic drawers behind them. Let's just say that the ones with the wooden drawers have not been in my budget (I've been looking for one of these for the last few years)!

On Saturday evening, we were supposed to have dinner with some friends, but their little one came down with a fever Friday night so we postponed. We went out for some pizza. A few hours later, EJ insisted that she had an upset stomach, and sure enough, she was sick later that night. Fortunately, it was a short-lived bug (or something she ate), and she was fine in the morning.

Which was good. Because a few of her friends came over Sunday afternoon for an early birthday party (she turns 9 on Friday). I know, I know...two years ago I SWORE that there would never be another birthday party in my house. After that party, we also swore off parties with lots of kids (anything more than a few kids). Last year, we took her and three friends to a bead shop and turned them loose.

This year, my friend MC came over...she makes beautiful custom fabric handbags, and she has a small size that's perfect for kids. EJ's friends arrived, picked out their fabrics, and MC took their orders. Then, they made decoupage picture frames with some scrap fabric, followed by cake and ice cream and presents.
Sophie let me put two little pigtail sprouts in her hair for the party:

Now we're busy with other chores this week, the biggest of which is cleaning out and packing up the camper for the weekend. We probably won't leave until Saturday morning, and K has done most of the cleaning out, so the packing up shouldn't take more than one evening this week.

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